Hi friend, I'm Rachel Rose.
Seeker of joy, pursuer of abundance.

I believe it’s possible to have joy every single day. A fulfilling life is not only reserved for people who have “made it” or have it all together. Every single one of us can have a life we love. I won’t stop shouting from the rooftops until every woman believes that the life she wants is available to her and she finally takes hold of it.  

Chances are you will find me with a coffee in my hand and a smile on my face. If I’m not dancing around the kitchen baking some type of dessert, I’m most likely playing with my kitty or reading a book. I love Jesus and my husband and could tell you a million stories about how incredible both of them are. 

Most people would agree I still haven’t found my inside voice but it’s okay, I’m a work in progress. I’m not good at blending in because I know I’m the best at being me. I also know you’re the best at being you and the world needs you just as much as it needs me. 

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my story

How I went from doing what I thought I should, to doing what I really wanted


I’m allowed to love my job and not have to complain about going into work every morning? I’m allowed to quit a job that isn’t fulfilling and spend time searching for what I’m truly made to do? I’m allowed to say no to opportunities that might seem good but my gut tells me they just aren’t the right fit?          YES. YES. YES. 

I silenced the voices telling me what I should do and listened to what I knew God was calling me to do. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can do. It took me almost 10 years to realize this and friend, I don’t want it to take you that long!



the life you want to live

Do you want to know what breaks my heart? Women standing still because moving forward is too scary or too unclear. You know where standing still gets you? Nowhere. 

You have so much to offer, so much inside of you that the world needs. Friend, can I lovingly say that it’s time to stop holding back? I know you’re scared. I know it’s risky and uncertain and feels so big.

Together we can move forward. Together we can make those big things more manageable. Together we can name the things that scare us and not let them have power over us anymore. Together we can create a road map to the future you want.

I’m here to give you permission. Permission to dream and desire. Permission to be who you’ve always wanted to be. I’m here to tell you that the time is now.

I’m not here to tell you what choices you need to make, what you need to cut out of your life or add into your life. I’m not here to tell you what you “should” do in order to be happy. There’s enough people already doing that, and honestly we’re done listening to them. You know you better than anyone.

Let’s create the life YOU want. You have it within you. I believe in you. 

No looking back and wishing you'd done things differently.

“In just one hour I gained clarity that I had been trying to find for months.”
